Welcome to the world of the Halloween Day Facebook Status. Here you find the world's best status for the posting on Facebook on the Halloween Day. From here you can post these status on your Facebook timeline.
1. I'm surprised kids haven't found a way to trick or treat online yet.
2. That awkward moment when you can’t tell if it’s a Halloween costume or their regular clothes…
3. Halloween is the perfect time to redistribute those undesired condiment packets of ketchup, mustard, BBQ & soy sauce.
4. I need to borrow someones kid for Halloween. I miss free candy.
5. Happy Halloween… may all of your skeletons stay in the closet where they belong!
6. Passed a vampire, a zombie, and a prostitute on the way to work tonight. Not sure which ones were in costume…
7. For Halloween I'm going as an invisible person. I will be at all your parties.
8. Okay kids don't ever talk to strangers or take candy from strangers or go to stranger's houses except on the day we worship the devil.
9. 8 more days and I will finally get rid of last years Halloween candy.
10. If I pay $30 for a haunted house I better die.
11. I bet when spiders see those fake green cob webs on Halloween they must be like "Ugh, tourists".
12. Couples Halloween costumes always end up looking like one person went along with it to save the relationship.
13. Who needs Halloween decorations when I can just put up my selfies?
14. The main thing I learned from watching my wife carve pumpkins is she’s really good at stabbing things. I should probably be nicer to her.
15. I think for Halloween I am going to go as Karma. Some of you should be worried.
16. This Halloween, the only Candy I'm interersted in swings from a pole and has daddy issues.
17. I have officially bought the first batch of Halloween candies that will not make it to Halloween.
18. My costume worked so well that the people at the bank gave me all their money.
19. Thank you Halloween, all of a sudden, cobwebs in my house are decorations!!!
20. A piñata is NOT a good idea for a Halloween costume.
21. Almost time to get me a bag of assorted candy. Last year I got mine from Batman. Superhero my ass. He wasn't as tall as I expected... and he cried like a little kid.
22. For Halloween I'm dressing up as a Scooby Doo character and then ripping people's masks off.
23. When I was a kid I use to change costumes a few times and revisit houses to get more candy..
24. How to save money on Halloween candy, set a empty bowel on the front porch and write a nice note that says please only take one piece of candy, that way everyone can have some.
25. I'll be your trick if you'll be my treat.
26. If the trick or treaters really want to scare me this year, then they should all dress up as Visa statements.
27. Finally figured out I would just be "Awesome" for Halloween, but I realized I didn't need a costume...just vodka. Lots and lots of vodka.
28. For Halloween I'm going to write "Life" on a plain white T-shirt and hand out lemons to strangers.
29. Whoever decided this Halloween candy is the "fun" size is not someone I care to party with.
30. Bets living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.
31. It must be impossible to stand out as a prostitute working on Halloween.
32. I'll be spending most of today putting Santa hats on all my Halloween decorations.
33. That akward moment when a Zombie is looking for brains and it walks right past you..
34. Reason #43 that I had children: I get to play "candy inspector" after Trick-Or-Treating on Halloween.
35. Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.
36. Gonna wear a Charlie Brown costume this Halloween and give everyboby who comes to my door a ROCK.
37. If the zombie apocalypse ever happens, I'm just going to surround my house with outward facing treadmills. I should be fine.
38. Wants to remind you this Halloween, that as a general rule, don't solve riddles that open portals to Hell.
39. Hopes this Halloween, he doesn't end up with a bag full of restraining orders again.
40. Forgot to buy candy for the kids this Halloween but will offer them a bite of his sandwich.