Halloween day

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Poems For Halloween Day

Poems For Halloween Day

Halloween Day poems is collection of world's best poems. From here you can read poems about Halloween Day. Halloween Day is popular festival of dead. Here the meaning of dead is the "End Of Summer".Halloween Day celebrated on October 31st to November 1st. From here you can send world’s best poems of the Halloween Day to your family/friends/neighbours.

1. Halloween Day Poem

The Darkness

The darkness comes from deep inside. 
It creeps up from out of your dark side. 
Gnawing at your flesh by your graveside. 
Of a life that you feel lives you mortified. 
Creeping death shivers down your spine. 
You feel it wrap around, you feel it reassign. 
Your screams and visions will all align.
Under the moon they will combine. 
The cares and the worries you place on today. 
Are replaced by blinding pain in your temple, you have nothing to say. 
Your feel all hope go floating away. 
Leaving you alone, as your body starts to decay. 
You see your life end, but when did it begin? 
You fall to your knees as your thoughts go within. 
The deepest part of your soul, under your skin.
You see the vision of the bitter end. 
You stay alive as the skin and muscle fall from your bones. 
You get lightheaded and collapse on your knee bone's. 
You feel like you're in an episode of the twilight zone.
All you can do is let out a little moan.
You finally succumb to your fate. 
You finally become the desolate. 
Roaming the earth as deaths advocate. 
Bringing your victims to hells gate.

2. Halloween Day Poem

Halloween Night

The corpse that walks,
its solemn line.
The vampire stalks, 
finds blood to dine.
The werewolf howls
at the silver moon.
His human form 
what's showing at noon.
The mummy's cries
of pain and loss.
His wraps that smell of must and moss.
The witch that flies,
upon her broom
casting curses
and spelling doom.
The black cat scurries,
hisses and claws
through the graveyard walks his paws.

3. Halloween Day Poem

Halloween Night

Trick-or-Treat is all you hear,
kid's running around yelling "look what I got!".
Ghost yell "Boo! I scared you!".
Teens scaring little kids by saying "They're gonna get you."

There's a full moon tonight, 
The monsters come out and play.
Black cats and bats are all over in the night,
You better not cross through the grave yard today.

Pumpkins glowing thorough the night,
fog covering the glow of the moon.
Teens saying "they are very near."
And all kids get very scared. 

Run run as fast as you can,
though the night.
Only seeing by the glow of the moon,
Hearing laughs of the cruel dead ghouls.

Doors shut,
parents say good night.
Now you just have to wait,
for next Halloween Night.

4. Halloween Day Poem

In Darkest Woods He Wandered

In darkest woods he wandered,
one moonless stormy night.
The tree limbs made him shiver
reaching out through lightnings light.

The thunder rumbled its deep warning
and spoke of dreadful things;
for he was out on Halloween
with all it's dark heart brings.

His path led through the woods for miles
and eyeballs watched him travel;
He could feel their wicked smiles
while trying hard not to unravel.

Would he live another hour 
or would dark forces take him down?
Would they this traveler overpower?
Did he hear hoof beats on the ground.

The thunder clapped the lightening flashed.
The tree limbs reached to slap at him;
He heard the evil cackle while
all his senses seemed to dim.

The rain was in his face now
as the storm just seemed to grow;
he was lying on his back
and how? he didn't know.

The fear engulfed his total being
he couldn't even speak
and all the evil he was seeing
only served to make him weak.

He jerked awake and saw beside him 
another frightened form.
somehow they both were now 
together in this awful storm.

He looked at her beside him 
and said with eyes quite wide;
I don't feel like sleeping out,
I think I'll go inside!

5. Halloween Day Poem

Night Of Fright

Monsters, stalking through the night,
Halloween is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

Are you sure you are prepared?
Tonight is not for the easily scared.
Creatures from hell roam on this night,
For tonight is the Night of Fright.

Trick or treat you say,
You should not have waited until the end of the day.
Tonight you will lose your tricks and treats,
For the monsters need to eat.

You better not take this night lightly,
Or else you will truly learn what fright means.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows Eve."

6. Halloween Day Poem

Black Trees, Ghosts, And Bumble Bees

Lying on your bed just like every other night, 
There is something that'd give grown men fright, 
There's a black figure stalking in the night, 
And it won't go away until dark turns to light, 
It's the very thing that we all give up breathing, 
It's the latest toy it's a werewolf being, 
It's so scary and it's breathing in the night, 
The creature jumps off and it takes to flight, 

You can scream all you want to but that won't scare, 
Too small for a dragon but too large for a bear, 
Leave your lights turned on and turn up your favorite song, 
Call in your parents but they won't help you now, 
You've gone to far so you can't get back out, 
It's not that silly monster in your closet, 
Your Aunt's picture in your heart shaped locket, 
No old black magic or any trick of the mind, 
It pulls you in and soon you're entwined

7. Halloween Day Poem

A Halloween Day Poem For Children

No one heard the old Gal make a word
A sound or noise any Christian ever heard
As she walked through the village once every moon
To buy some few vittles and leave none too soon.

Her purchases gripped in a dark burlap sack
Which she'd owned forever and fit 'cross her back.
Town folk would glance up from their every town's chore
In hope this time they'd see her no more.

Now a young girl called Mattie, a postal clerk's lass
Sat curly and giddy as the yon harridan passed
Unlike her town folk whose fear made them shy
She stood next to the mile marker and caught the hag's eye.

"Go home my plum lassie, you've nothing with me,"
Spoke the old woman coarsely as she turned round a tree
But Mattie had studied about a reply
And was soon to speak it when a trick caught her eye.

For the old tree was rotten and hollow inside
Mattie thought the old woman crawled in it to hide
With her eyes wide as saucers she peeked curiously within
Two wrinkled arms grabbed her and she was not seen again.

8. Halloween Day Poems

Mermaid (Ramification)

I bought a mermaid costume
Some how I lost the scales
Wore it Halloween night
And looked just like a whale

Thought I'd dress as Dracula
On my face a little blood
Tripped on a cape that's to long
And now my name is mud

White curly locks like Bo peep
A staff there in my hand
All the old men gave me Snicker
As down the street I ran

Dressed as Richard Simons
Right down to the shorts
All I got was fruit
And exercise of course

Dressed up like the king
And you thought Elvis dead
Of coarse I couldn't sing
Just shook my booty instead

Dressed up as a turkey
Last Thanksgiving day
Missed Halloween completely
What else can I say

So have a happy trick or treat
Use your imagination
But when it comes to costumes
I'm Think? Ramification

9. Halloween Day Poems

Halloween Allergies – A Poem

T'was the week before All Hallows Eve
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should've been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn't get scared, didn't wish them away
'Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they'd say "Gesundheit"

10. Halloween Day Poems


Halloween, blood gurgling scream
Little children run and hide
Ghost costumes and flying brooms
On which evil witches ride

Haunted house, a shredded blouse
A scarecrow in the backyard
Graveyard love, vampire's blood
Can make this night seem so hard

Halloween, enchanted scene
A night filled with pure terror
Freddy Krueger, plastic Luger
There is no room for error

Rotten eggs, a neighbor begs
"Please don't use toilet paper."
Pranksters prey and run away
Like they just pulled a caper

Halloween, big eyes of green
A black cat is hissing loud
Ghosts say "Boo" and Mom warns you
"Don't stray too far from the crowd."

Trick or treat, a candy sweet
Also calories galore
Get off track and circle back
Maybe you will get some more

Halloween, number thirteen
A night of goblins and ghosts
Pumpkin patches, bag snatchers
And a Jack-O-Lantern host

Pitch black night, kids filled with fright
Enchanting and scary scene
A full bag will make them brag
And long for next Halloween

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