Halloween day

Monday, 4 August 2014

Halloween Day Child HD Wallpapers

                      Halloween Day Child HD Wallpapers

Halloween Day Child HD Wallpapers "Happy Halloween!" I hope you enjoyed your day and that your children had the best Halloween ever. We had an awesome day minus some rain. We started our day off with a Halloween party play date that was a lot of fun. We played Pin the Nose on the Jack-o-lantern, Pass the Pumpkin (just like hot potato, but with a pumpkin and Halloween Bingo. Unfortunately, it rained steadily for the entire hour, but you can't stop 7 boys on a mission Now, my boys are sound asleep and I must admit that I am absolutely exhausted, Halloween finally came and quickly passed.We made a few Halloween crafts and gobbled up a bunch of Halloween goodies. We ended our little party with an indoor costume parade and trick or treat, all of the moms bought little goodies bags for each of the kids to collect as they paraded around the house. Afterwards, we went trick or treating with some friends for about an hour. I hope everyone had a wonderful a safe Halloween.

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